War, state of war never changes, but game residual does and in Fallout 76, players either adapt or they become a target practice or training dummies. For many, guns are overrated and as well dishonorable. Some but adopt a more than intimate method of murder such as melee weapons. Our cavemen ancestors tin can attest to its efficiency back in the proficient former days when property dispute is settled with sharp rocks and abrupt sticks.

Watching the low-cal fade out of your enemies' optics while they drain or writhe in pain from multiple os traumas is also safer for the environment than polluting the already irradiated wasteland with slugs and lead casings. Unlike our cavemen ancestors though, nosotros accept become picky with our melee weapons-- they need to be elegant and luckily, Fallout 76 gives that special treatment to these large sticks.

Updated September 7th, 2021 past Russ Boswell: At that place accept been a lot of updates and improvements to Fallout 76 since its release back in 2018. It'due south crazy to think it'south already been 3 years, and although the title had a less-than-stellar launch, developers have been difficult at work attempting to fix all of the issues plaguing the online experience. DLC and subsequent updates take inverse the landscape of things quite a bit, and new players are starting to find their way into Fallout 76'southward vast wastelands. Those opting for upwards-close-and-personal combat will definitely want to get a bead on the best melee weapons in Fallout 76. To give a improve wait at the best melee weapon in Fallout 76 as of 2021, and better help those just starting out, the following list has been updated to include even more than Fallout 76 best melee weapon suggestions.

fifteen Pole Hook

Fallout 76 A Mutants Pole Hook weapon
  • Type: Two-Handed
  • Max Damage: 75 (Unmoded)
  • Speed: Tiresome
  • Weight: seven

Defended Fallout 4 players that went through the Far Harbor DLC will definitely recognize the deadly Pole Hook. This unique and painful melee weapon makes a return in Fallout 76. It can be institute at a minimum level of x and can exist modded for actress harm with Puncturing. Not only does this weapon expect pretty cool only it tin hit rather hard at higher levels. It has a irksome swing speed merely some accept found upgraded versions with a better swing speed or additional impairment to compensate.

Players can get a Pole Hook by:

  • Crafting it at a workbench.

fourteen Ski Sword

Fallout 76 A Executioners Ski Sword weapon
  • Blazon: 1-Handed
  • Max Impairment: 50
  • Speed: Medium
  • Weight: iii

Some of the best and most useful weapons in the Fallout universe are a bit unconventional. After all, players are skulking through the wastelands and sometimes must exist artistic to protect themselves against their foes. A great example of Wastelander ingenuity is the Ski Sword, a one-handed sword made from a sharpened Ski. With a Medium swinf speed and some impressive damage numbers early on, it's a useful and hard-hitting melee weapon.

Players tin can find the Ski Sword:

  • In abundance near The Peak Of The World and the Meridian Store.
  • On a flatbed truck east of the Tygart water treatment area.
  • In White Powder Winter Sports.

13 Guitar Sword

Fallout 76 A Guitar Sword weapon
  • Type: Unique / Ane-Handed
  • Max Damage: fifty
  • Speed: Medium
  • Weight: 3

Another unique weapon players tin find throughout their journey is the Guitar Sword, which is exactly what it sounds like. This half instrument, half one-handed bract was originally going to exist playable (as seen in an animation found in the game's files) but information technology appears developers ultimately scrapped that idea. However, the sword itself is rather potent and can provide Wastelanders with ample protection and some serious fashion.

Players can find the Guitar Sword:

  • By completing the event "One Violent Night."

12 War Drum

Fallout 76 An Instigating War Drum weapon
  • Type: Unique / Two-Handed
  • Max Damage: 78
  • Speed: Wearisome
  • Weight: 20

Those looking for the same instrumental flair as the Guitar Sword but adopt their weapons a scrap heavier will want to opt for the War Drum. This hulking 2-handed weapon also comes from the Ane Violent Night event as a possible drop and volition punish enemies with its high base damage. Fans of Melee weapons will definitely want to add this incredibly cool-looking "sledge" to their collection. The only drawback is that it weighs quite a lot, so players demand to brand sure they accept ample conveying capacity.

Players can find the State of war Drum:

  • By completing the result "One Vehement Night."

11 Meteoritic Sword

Fallout 76 A Meteoritic Sword weapon
  • Blazon: Unique / One-Handed
  • Max Harm: 31
  • Speed: Medium
  • Weight: 3

Although this sword has seen some changes and is no longer considered "Legendary," it's still pretty solid for those making their fashion through Fallout 76. On top of that, it looks pretty fantastic. Players who spec into Strength will get more employ out of this long blade thanks to a 5% harm increase per STR point. It too comes with an array of hidden stat boosts, like a 10% damage increase against humans and a 90% weight reduction. It may non be equally proficient equally other "endgame" weapons but it'due south something that melee-savvy players will want to add together to their drove if simply for its artful.

Players can discover the Meteoritic Sword:

  • By completing the "Alienation and Clear" consequence."

10 Deathclaw Gauntlet

Deathclaw Gauntlet
  • Type: Unarmed
  • Max Damage: 55
  • Speed: Medium
  • Weight: xiii

Okay fine, scratch the elegant function; this weapon is ugly. Just what else is ugly? The target's guts after beingness too all-around to this melee weapon. Even in the older Fallout games, the Deathclaw Gauntlet has been a staple top weapon, having 55 max damage and beingness a punching weapon with fast enough jabbing speed.

Oddly enough, information technology requires a crafting level of 30, equally if it actually takes a genius to make this ane from readily available materials. If players want to save themselves the problem, so players can find this weapon in these in-game locations:

  • A locked shack in Kerwood Mine
  • A table in the Sons of Dane Compound
  • A tree on pinnacle of a bed in Tanagra Town
  • On elevation of a workbench in Appalachian Antiques

9 State of war Glaive

fallout 76 war glaive
  • Blazon: Ii-Handed
  • Max Damage: 82
  • Speed: Boring
  • Weight: 9

For those looking for something a bit more civilized than two talons crudely taped together to resemble a gauntlet, then the State of war Glaive is a pretty weapon. It'southward a ii-handed polearm whose damage tin can go every bit high as 82 and surprisingly, information technology's less heavy than the Deathclaw Gauntlet.

The weapon is in the ho-hum attack speed category though only the damage should make up for information technology. It also needs level thirty crafting and procedure for obtaining the schematics is quite tedious:

  • Get a Programme: War Glaive as a rare advantage from the Daily Op
  • In one case the Program: State of war Glaive is known, the weapon tin can be bought from Purveyor Murmrgh.

8 Blade of Bastet

blade of bastet from fallout 76
  • Type: Unique, One-Handed
  • Max Damage: 45
  • Speed: Medium
  • Weight: 3

Continuing the trend of well-made weapons that are too good for a mail-apocalypse setting, the Blade of Bastet is quite the charmer. Other stats it has apart from the usual is +l% armor penetration.

This is a rather practiced perk for a weapon, especially when stabbing enemies that like to feel comfortable in Ability Armor. Players tin but obtain the weapon through the quest Forging a Fable, specifically in the basement of Riverside Manor.

seven Sheepsquatch Club

Sheepsquatch Club from fallout 76
  • Blazon: One-Handed
  • Max Impairment: 60
  • Speed: Medium
  • Weight: 3

Looking at the stats, one tin can easily mistake the Sheepsquatch Guild for a two-handed weapon. That high impairment is enough to make enemies worried at how sadistic the wielder is, preferring this crude instrument of death.

Across that, it'south a pretty bland and straightforward weapon. Getting a hold of it requires participation in the Free Range event. Players will have to consummate the upshot without all three brahmin dying for a higher chance of snagging this weapon as a reward.

vi Sheepsquatch Staff

Sheepsquatch Staff from fallout 76
  • Type: Two-Handed
  • Max Harm: 75
  • Speed: Slow
  • Weight: 12

Then again, in that location are players who adopt having both of their easily occupied when defying the 6th commandment in the onetime attestation. For an extra dose of sacrilege, a weapon with ram horns is also platonic. The Sheepsquatch Staff fits the bill in this regard.

Call up of it as a two-handed version of Sheepsquatch Club but with the added dread of infidel imagery. Also, it's also a reward from the Gratis Range event if players practice well to ensure that none of the dairy victims perish.

five Fire Axe

fire axe fallout 76
  • Blazon: 2-Handed
  • Max Damage: 72
  • Speed: Wearisome
  • Weight: 3

It'due south a fire fighter'south axe, plainly and simple. Ironically, what was once a pre-ward tool used for saving lives is now one of the all-time melee weapons in hacking enemies to death. Times take inverse for these weapons as there are plenty of them scattered throughout Boston.

The damage isn't that groovy merely players will by and large love this 1 for its weight though it even so has a irksome set on speed. Plus it really looks similar a weapon compared to the more than bizarre murder handicrafts in the game. Players can detect these axes in these places:

  • Charleston Fire Department
  • Hornwright Summer Villa garage
  • Skeletal remains in the Torrance House maze
  • Big Bend Tunnel campsite
  • WV Lumber Co. near the stairs inside the main building.

4 Mr. Handy Buzz Blade

mr handy buzz blade
  • Type: 2-Handed
  • Max Damage: 8
  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Weight: 10

Who needs axes when buzz saws exist right? Some clever mail-apocalypse scrappers embraced industrialization by yanking off a Mr. Handy'south arm and putting the fizz saw to better use.

The impairment is worryingly low but the weapon allows for rapid strikes, making the overall DPS higher even if some of the strikes miss. The weapon modification is also heady. To go this, players have to enter Monongah power found and look for a fuel storage room with a cabinet.

three Grognak Axe

grognak's axe 12
  • Type: Two-Handed
  • Max Impairment: Varies, but it'due south high
  • Speed: Slow
  • Weight: ten

Want to beat out your enemies and come across them driven earlier you while you hear the lamentations of their women? Wait no further than Grognak's Axe. It'due south one of the best and most thematically-pleasing weapons in the game.

It has lots of variants though just as long as the version is legendary, players can bet that the axe is in high demand. Legendary versions can drop from legendary enemies, of grade, but for those planning to craft one, they're at the mercy of the event: Vacation Scorched.

2 Power Fist

power fist for fallout 76
  • Blazon: Unarmed, One-Handed
  • Max Damage: 58
  • Speed: Medium
  • Weight: iv

The Ability Fist is an unapologetic weapon both to the enemies and to the wielder equally it as well tends to accept up a huge screen real estate but the damage output makes up for that. Besides, beating enemies to decease by punching them never gets onetime.

Since the weapon is mechanical and modern, it'southward as well highly moddable with a couple of fun modifications to spice up the fisticuffs. Every bit e'er, players demand the weapon plan to exist able to craft it. It'south a random reward from several events. If non, then these locations might contain a set up-made version:

  • A desk nigh the vine structure in Tanagra Town
  • In a church's watchtower, due west of Harper'southward Ferry
  • Sunnytop Ski Lanes base society
  • Vendor bot Phoenix at Watoga Station

1 Super Sledge

super sledge variant from fallout 76
  • Type: Two-Handed
  • Max Damage: 85
  • Speed: Dull
  • Weight: twenty

Information technology's one of the heaviest melee weapons in the game and rightfully so equally these things were fabricated for Supermutants. As regular wastelanders though, players can choose to forego weapon class discrimination and get to bashing skulls with this monstrous hardware.

Every bit expected, one will have to pry it off from a Supermutants common cold, dead, and filthy racist arms. They probably won't mind if they're too busy picking upward their super spattered super brains on the ground due to all those VATS headshots.

NEXT: Fallout 76: All Correct Answers To The Burn down Breathers Knowledge Exam

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